Chapter 142, chalkiness cicada amber, important research value

In the afternoon, Ning Fei was playing with little dog and Little Fei at Qingfeng Temple. The village chief knocked on the door and shouted,

“Ning Fei, the people from the geological bureau are here.”

After Ning Fei opened the door, he saw a total of four people outside. Village Chief Qin was at the side, and on the other side was an assistant-like figure.

Ning Fei knew one of the two people in the middle. He was Zhu Mu, a civil servant of the geological bureau. The last time he discovered the Stalactite Cave, Zhu Mu had come over to give him a cash reward of fifty thousand Yuan and a certificate.

The other person was an old man. He looked a little hunched, but Ning Fei could see something different from his eyes.

Facial features were born from the heart. At a certain age, one could see something through facial features.

Facial features referred to natural facial features, not acting or emotional excitement.