Chapter 327, the magical scenery of the waterfall, the underground river!

At night, by the bonfire.

Ning Fei had already turned off the live broadcast.

He and Bai Yi were beside the bonfire, quietly roasting wild melons.

Bai Yi leaned on Ning Fei’s shoulder very naturally, and Ning Fei only looked up at the sky.

He was using the stargazing technique.

Previously, Ning Fei did not know that the tomb owner compared the Qinshan mountains to a “Person,”so he was unable to see the chaotic stars clearly.

Now, he knew that the owner of the tomb was using the method of the vicious formation to raise the tomb. Even the tomb in the Stalactite Cave was the tomb owner’s work.

“Looking from here, the seven mansions of the eastern black dragon are all bright. Among the seven mansions of the Western White Tiger, the wood wolf and the Dark Moon are bright. The rest are all dark.”

“The god of Immortals Gathering, the soul of immortals gathering, the Qi of immortals gathering, and the appearance of Immortals!”

“This person is so generous!”