Chapter 358: The Real Nezha fights with the Dragon King!

The sudden appearance of the royal fish stunned everyone in the live broadcast room.

The royal fish was the longest bony fish in the world. It was usually three meters long and had a special breed. It could reach more than ten meters long, which was very scary.

In China, the nickname of the royal fish was the Dragon King Fish, the messenger of the Dragon Palace, and so on.

Because from its size and movement, it was not an exaggeration to call it “Dragon King.”.

“There really is a dragon king in the sea!”

“Oh my God, what kind of live broadcast room is this, running into a sea dragon in the deep sea? !”

“Didn’t Abbey Dean Ning say that it was the royal fish!”

“Abbey Dean Ning, run!”

Everyone became very nervous.

Ning Fei knew that he could not run away.

In the deep sea, the light above his head was too dangerous, which he had not considered.

Therefore, the royal fish treated him as its prey.

However, Ning Fei was not someone to be trifled with.