Chapter 477, he was livestreaming hell

The Deng’s fish was six meters long. To it, nothing was more suitable than meat that was as tall as a person.

When he passed through the tunnel just now, he had obviously noticed Ning Fei.

“System, can I use the marine animal friendly card on this guy?”

Ning Fei asked in his heart.

The system replied, “The host hates the Deng’s fish from the bottom of his heart, so the sea animal friendly card is ineffective on the Deng’s fish.”

The animal friendly card had a prerequisite, which was that Ning Fei had to really like this animal.

For example, the South China tiger, the snow leopard, the dolphin, and even the sperm whale.

Ning Fei would only be friendly to these animals after using the friendly card.

However, the Deng’s fish had an exoskeleton on its forehead. It looked ferocious and extremely ugly.

Ning Fei really could not develop any feelings of “Liking”it.