We Feel Like You Are Lying to Us, Brother, but We Have No Evidence

Choosing Option Three, Jiang Beiran laughed and said, "Sister Fang, being so timid, how do you even uphold righteousness? Hahaha."

Fang Qiuyao puffed up her mouth in anger after hearing this. She wiped her tears hard and didn't say anything, then continued to look for the way out.

However, each time she plucked a bit of grass, in her heart, she imagined that it was Jiang Beiran's hair.

'D*mn you for laughing at me! D*mn you for laughing at me!' she thought to herself.

After Fang Qiuyao went away, Jiang Beiran squatted down and made a forceful pouring gesture, pointing the bronze toad's head downward.

"Clang. Clang..."

Five copper coins poured out from the toad's belly in turn.

Not far away, when Fang Qiuyao heard this sound, her body trembled again. However, she forcefully held back from shouting. She was reciting some incantations she learned from God knew where in her heart.