Bro, You Are Following the Template to Becoming a Protagonist

"Thank you, Brother."

After taking the nail dart that Jiang Beiran handed to her, Liu Zijin still felt some remaining fear. She thought about how if it wasn't for Brother blocking the dart for her, it would probably have pierced through her chest.

Next to her, Gu Qingyue saw Jiang Beiran, who had suddenly appeared and blocked the sneak attack. Gu Qingyue hurriedly joined his hands together in a salute again and said, "Good skill! I haven't asked you your name yet, Brother."

Jiang Beiran returned the salute and responded, "My last name is Wang, and my name is Laowu."

"So you are Brother Laowu. My name is Gu Qingyue of the Sect of Skies and Clouds. I was attacked by thieves this time and could only escape thanks to..."

"Polite words can be saved for later. Your companion is injured," Jiang Beiran said as he looked at the girl whose chest was oozing blood.