Endless Ridicule

[ Option 1: Directly reject Yin Jianghong's request. Reward: Black Frost Record (middle tier black grade)]

[ Option 2: Ask Guan Shi'an for help and tactfully reject Yin Jianghong. Reward: Luan Spider Robe (high tier yellow grade)]

[ Option 3: Take over the list. Reward: Random basic attribute points + 1]

"Sigh, I can't escape this time."

Jiang Beiran actually didn't want to look at this list. After all, this list was very likely to be filled with influential figures of the demonic cult. Moreover, it was very likely to be related to a major matter of the demonic cult.

However, just when he thought of rejecting Yin Jianghong, three system options popped up.