Why Beiran Didn't Come Back 2

"Did... did something happen?" asked Yu Manwen, who was sitting at the square table.

This question seemed to arouse the excitement of Liu Zijin and the others, and they all rushed to say it.

"Law Protector Yu, Brother Jiang is really in the limelight this time!"

"On the day of Sect Master Guan's birthday banquet, many people from the demonic cult suddenly came. The cult master of the Spirit Dragon Cult, Yin Jianghong, was also promoted to mystic master! We thought that there would be a fight."

"But who knew that the purpose of Cult Master Yin's visit was to let the demonic cult disciples participate in the Gathering of Young Heroes with us. After that..."

Yu Manwen had also heard about the demonic cult during the meeting. However, Sect Master and Incense Master did not explain in detail. So, she did not know what exactly happened after that.