So It Was You 1

This time, Jiang Beiran gave Ye Fan a high-grade product. Tier 6 Green Lotus Pill had a very good healing effect on burn damage. Not long after the Venomous Condor ate it, the wound on its chest caused by Meng Sipei's Crime Purple Flames started to recover.

Following Immortal's instructions, Ye Fan took another bottle of herb paste and applied it on the Venomous Condor's wound.

While applying it, Ye Fan heard the Venomous Condor continuously 'chirping' at Immortal. Immortal only replied to it occasionally.

"As expected of Immortal, he can actually talk to a mystic beast."

Just as Ye Fan's heart was filled with admiration for Immortal, he suddenly heard Immortal say to him, "Take good care of this Venomous Condor here, you must wait until it recovers before leaving."

"Yes!" Ye Fan stood up and replied.

After answering, Ye Fan realized that the Immortal had already turned around and walked away slowly.