People 1

Yuxiu Palace.

Lin Miaoyi stood by the lotus pond and looked up at the starry sky. The expression on her face was sometimes nervous, sometimes flustered, and sometimes expectant. It was very complicated.

"Dong, dong! Dong, dong!"

"The sea is calm, and the river is clear! Tonight is a peaceful night!"

Hearing the shouts of the watchmen in the palace, a woman in a red palace dress behind Lin Miaoyi said, "Sister, it's almost midnight. Do you think Emperor will summon us today?"

Lin Miaoyi lowered her head and elegantly turned around to look at the woman. "How can we guess Emperor's thoughts?"

She looked around and saw that there were no patrolling eunuchs passing by. The woman dressed in palace clothes moved closer to Lin Miaoyi's ear and whispered, "I saw Emperor's expression when he saw you today. I guess His Majesty will definitely summon you to serve His Majesty in bed."