Six Rulers 2

Jiang Beiran sighed in his heart and said happily, "Good, then from today onwards, you will be my grand tutor. I want you to teach me these Six Rulers that were used to measure the world."

After hearing this, Zhu Gang was about to kneel down, but he was held by Jiang Beiran.

"Since you are already my grand tutor, you don't have to kneel."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness." Zhu Gang bowed.

"Come, Grand Tutor Zhu, this way please. I have many questions to ask you..."


In the blink of an eye, half a month passed in a hurry.

Fengzhou, Zhangyun County, Duan Town.

"Surround them! Don't let any of them escape!"

"They went up to the third floor."

"Good! Ruan Ming, bring some men and surround this inn. Don't let them escape."
