What Is Harem of Three Thousand Beauties 2

"I must help my sister defeat Wu Qing Gang! I must help my sister and Brother Jiang create an opportunity!'

While Yu Guizhui was teasing her sister, their words made Yu Manwen's mind flash with white light.

"That's right! Wu Qingce is what I imagined Jiang Beiran to be like!"

From the moment she came into contact with Jiang Beiran, Yu Manwen had always felt that she could not see through him at all. However, she knew that he did not only want to be a named disciple.

After that, they had more frequent contact. Yu Manwen even discovered that apart from cultivating, Jiang Beiran was able to express his unique views on everything else. He would even reveal his ability to surprise her from time to time. He was just like a treasure cave. Just when you thought that you had dug all the way to the bottom, new treasures would appear.

This made Yu Manwen feel that Jiang Beiran should not only have no talent in cultivation.