Icy Silver Ring

"This Dengjin Grand Canyon has an endless mountain range that is majestic and majestic. It is definitely not something that ordinary hills can compare to. At a glance, it is as if one can see the head and tail of a divine dragon."

In a camp near the Dengjin Grand Canyon, Wu Qingce was describing the information he had gathered over the past two days.

" There's more. Although the rocks on the bluestone in the canyon were exposed, there was no soil covering them. They were all dyed with green. The rocks were filled with tenacious pine and cypress."

Gu Qinghuan, who was listening from the side, noted down these characteristics one by one.

After Wu Qingce finished drawing, Gu Qinghuan raised her head and asked," Senior Brother Wu, how's your swimming?"

"It's alright." Wu Qingce replied.

"Have you been to the bottom of the waterfall to investigate?"