Divine Weapon Descends From the Heavens

"Thump! Thump!"

From the 'pustule' came a sound that sounded like a heartbeat. Meng Sipei was so frightened that she grabbed onto Jiang Beiran's sleeve.

Jiang Beiran couldn't help but roll his eyes."The Mystic Emperor has lost all his face because of you."

Realizing that she had made a fool of herself, Meng Sipei quickly retracted her hand and lowered her head."This place is too oppressive. Where is this place?"

"I'll explain to you later." Jiang Beiran took out a copper toad as he spoke." However, I have to remind you that you might die later."

Meng Sipei opened her mouth slightly and took a step back."Senior, what do you mean?"

"I don't have time to explain to you. I'm telling you because I hope you'll be prepared. If you're lucky, you might still be able to survive."After saying that, Jiang Beiran gestured for Meng Sipei, who was about to continue asking questions, to keep quiet.