Grudge (2)

"However, just as my Xuan Qi was about to be depleted, his expression suddenly became very nervous. He flew in the southeast direction like a madman. I relied on a tracking magic treasure to chase into a barrier."

When Yin Jianghong said that the masked expert had killed the monster who had set up the formation with a wave of his hand, Guan Shi 'an was a little surprised."That monster was able to subdue you in three moves, but was subdued by Masked Man in one move?"

Guan Shi 'an emphasized the word " three moves ", which made Ji Qinglin burst into laughter.

"The two of you who are watching the show outside have the face to laugh."Yin Jianghong laughed disdainfully.

" Who's watching the show?!" Guan Shi 'an slammed his palm on the table." If I didn't manage the situation, you would have to face a new fierce battle as soon as you came out of the miasma."