Fiendish Qi

"Bei Ran, you've finally come out of seclusion."

When the first member of the Yanyue Sect's meeting Hall saw Jiang Beiran enter, Tai Yingzong greeted him warmly.

"Greetings, Cult Master Yin, Left Minister Tai, and the Azure Protection Seal."

After Jiang Beiran finished his greeting, Yin Jianghong said,""I didn't feel anything when you were here, but your sudden disappearance for three months really made me feel that the Sheng Kingdom couldn't do without you."

Jiang Beiran cupped his hands and said," Cult Master Yin, you must be joking. Fengzhou and even the entire Sheng Kingdom are being controlled by the few of you here. I'm just assisting from the side. I can't afford to be so exaggerated.""

"You're being silly again. Come, come, come. There's a bunch of things waiting for you to solve."Cult Master Yin waved at Jiang Beiran.