Heaven Grade Jade Slip

[Option 1: Save the heaven-grade spirit stones and not use them. [Completion Reward: Xihe Secret Technique (Earth Grade Top-Rank)]

[Option 2: Create a jade slip with an earth-grade spirit stone. [Completion Reward: White Light Demon Axis (Earth Grade Low-Rank)]

[Option 3: Use a heaven-grade spirit stone to make a jade slip. [Completion Reward: Random Basic Attribute Point +1]

In a month's time, Jiang Beiran had made 72 jade slips out of the low and middle-grade spirit stones that had absorbed the Wood Spiritual Qi. Just as he was considering whether he should use Earth Grade or even Heaven Grade spirit stones to make a jade slip, a system notification suddenly popped up.

" Using a Heaven Rank spirit stone to make a jade slip?'

Puzzled, Jiang Beiran pondered for a while, but he still could not come up with a reason.