Information That's Not Easy to Ask About

Late at night, Lin Shiyun sat alone by the sea in a daze, recalling all the things that had happened on this trip to Golden Cauldron Island.

When she was almost caught by the person she hated the most, that person descended from the heavens. Although Lin Shiyun had already fainted at that time, she could imagine the heroic bearing of the master. After all, she had seen him once in the Qi Country.

After that, he had almost lost his life to the Rock Spirit, and at the critical moment, that person had easily resolved the crisis.

Lin Shiyun was very sure that when she saw the master, she was stunned because she had never thought that the master would appear on this island.

It was just like how she had never thought that someone would come to save her at the Five Mile Ravine.

However, that man always appeared at impossible times and impossible places.

" Including this time, I owe him three, no, four lives.'

Lin Shiyun picked up a pebble and threw it into the sea.