Selection (2)

Thank you, Sister Zijin. The three sisters shouted at the same time.

"You're welcome." After Liu Zijin finished speaking, she walked over to Jiang Beiran and sat down with her pipa.

Raising her head, Liu Zijin was about to ask if she could start when she met her senior brother's scrutinizing gaze.


Liu Zijin took a deep breath. Her fingers that were playing the pipa started to tremble.

'Senior Brother…He's looking at me with such a stern gaze. This gaze…So hot.

Seeing that Liu Zijin did not respond, Jiang Beiran said directly,""Start playing."


Liu Zijin heaved a sigh of relief when she heard her senior brother's voice.

'Calm down…I need to calm down.

Then, he began to pluck the strings.

It was alright at first, but when she realized that her senior brother had been staring at her, Liu Zijin's hands could not help but tremble, causing her to play a few wrong notes.