The Flower of Sin


This time, Lin Yao aimed his roar at the scarlet flower. The sound waves of the roar shook the plants and trees on the ground for a while. The crux of the Deafening Thunder Roar was the sound of thunder. Due to the combined effect of the profound meaning of Heavenly Thunder, the scarlet flower actually withered a little.

After this roar, Lin Yao saw most of the howling souls on the flower dissipating, and the size of the scarlet flower shrank by more than half.

'Even without using the blade of a sword, the sound of a roar can also kill an enemy.'

With this thought in mind, Lin Yao continued to close in on the flower. He let out a roar with every step that he took.

Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar!

Nine steps and nine roars… The furious hollers resonated like repeated strikes of a thunderbolt.

Because of the ferocious roars, the scarlet flower had withered into a flower bone.