Chapter 24: The New Species — Black Scale Naga

Karin Xiao hadn't named the new species yet, because he still didn't know what this new species looked like. With five species merging into one, he was very curious about what kind of creature would result.

With the new species card in hand, he hovered above the Divine Realm. After pondering for a moment, he decided to abandon the initial plan for the Tribal Gray Fog Fish people and let this newly born species become the main species of the Divine Realm.

It was somewhat cruel, but this was a path that every Divine Realm Master had to take in their lifetime.

Every New Divine Being starting their own Divine Realm, because of the initial value of Godness being so low, could generally only choose extremely weak races like Goblins, Fishmen, or Kobolds. Powerful races like Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and the like were beyond their capacity due to their Divinity, requiring a higher value of Godness to sustain.