Chapter 31 Lin Xiao's Talent


Two hundred Lizardman Archers emerged from the portal and lined up in a formation that stretched three to four hundred meters. His eyes narrowed as he looked towards the center of the Lizardman Archers, where there were several taller figures of their kind, each holding a larger bow. Under his watchful gaze, these larger Lizardman Archers, spaced hundreds of meters apart, drew their bows and released an arrow into the sky in unison.

Of course, they were not shooting at him but performing a long-range lob shot.

Each piercing attack flew over two hundred meters high before slantingly descending into the charging group of Fishmen, immediately toppling over a dozen of them.

As the Clan charged, seven volleys of arrows rained down in succession, claiming the lives of hundreds of Fishmen before they could reach halfway.