Chapter 63: 5 Years Later

But students are generally unable to accurately assess the impact period, so in order to standardize, it was stipulated that the rules should be based on a one-month influence period for a Five Star Card.

The reason why the number of Card fusions can accumulate involves a term called "stability." If a Divine Realm does not fuse cards for a long period of time, it will become increasingly stable, allowing for multiple cards to be fused at once, up until the limit of stability is reached.

However, there will be slight changes after sophomore year in high school; by that time, students' Divine Realms usually have developed, and cards can be fused more rapidly, meaning that an even greater number of cards can be fused.

That is to say, in the first year of opening the Divine Realm, only one card can be fused per month.

In the second year, two cards can be fused per month.

By senior year, three cards can be fused per month.