Chapter 123 The Ancient Arena and the Advanced Slarda (Weekend Additional Release)


Setting aside the matter of his true name for the moment, Lin Xiao excitedly rubbed his hands together and took out a card that was emanating a rich crystalline glow from the Creation Rubik's Cube.

Yes, after fusing numerous cards and the combined Creation Energy from the dissolution of seven relic shards, he obtained the first Ancient Quality Five Star Card of his life that surpassed the Golden Mythical Quality.

Five Star Environmental Card—Divine Domain Heaven (Ancient): Merge within Divine Realm and transform the realm into heaven.

Effect One: Gain different effects based on the varying terrains of the Divine Realm.

Effect Two: Reproduction speed of all creatures inside Divine Realm +100%, survival rate +100%, lifespan +20.

Effect Three: Energy intensity within Divine Realm +1, capable of birthing transcendent creatures.

Effect Four: Naturally nurture one Nature Spirit every year.