Chapter 297: The Debut of Extraordinary Magic Network

Not only them, even the officers in the command room were stunned, whether it was Lei Bo, who supported Luo Shuang, Xie Yufei, who supported Lin Xiao, or those generals with golden stars on their shoulders.

No, it would be more accurate to say they were shocked.

Even these True Gods couldn't imagine before the summoning that Lin Xiao would summon these creatures. Even with the wildest imaginations, they never thought they would see a scene where a student at this level would summon over a hundred thousand Rank 7 Giant Elite Water Elements in an instant. This was beyond their knowledge, unprecedented.

"Fuck, what did I just see?"

An elite from the military couldn't help rubbing his eyes and asked his companion loudly, his face full of disbelief.

"I think I saw... a lot of elite Water Elements?"

His tone was one of skepticism.

"You're not seeing things, he really did summon many elite Water Elements."