Chapter 342 Casting a Divine Body with World Origin Force

This aberrant soul amalgamate was composed of countless soul remnants of Nightmare creatures that had been devoured by this monster. An accumulation of fragmented and contaminated souls entwined with each other, struggling, while a layer of eerie sludge coated the surface of the soul amalgamate, dripping off from time to time. The moment this thing appeared, the minds of all the Clan members within sight were filled with obscure murmurs capable of driving one to madness.

In agony, numerous members of the Clan clutched their heads and squatted down, their muscles twitching and twisting, showing faint signs of contamination and corruption.

Within Lin Xiao's Sea of Gods, more than half of the remaining Power of Faith lines began to dim, as if a layer of sludge was spreading over these pure lines of faith.

"Divine Power Wash!"