Chapter 396: The Intruding Descender Who Ignores Rules and Distance

Meanwhile, the Kingdom's army did engage in a brief skirmish, but the two sides just brushed past each other outside the city. It was evident that the Kingdom's forces planned to rely on their tenfold superiority in numbers for an open-field battle. However, upon seeing those dozen or so giants, nearly thirty feet tall and wielding giant timbers some sixty to ninety feet long as weapons, the morale of the Kingdom's army collapsed. Leaving some cannon fodder to cover the retreat, the main force fled immediately.

Just imagine what it feels like for ordinary people to see giants three stories tall; even the bravest knights would turn and run. The size difference was just too great; even the cannon fodder surrendered on the spot.

And so, without much of a fight, they took over the capitals of two provinces, and the Kingdom abandoned them outright.