Every Tycoon Is Not Simple

"You want me to kill you? Why?" asked Wang Hao.

"I don't have any hope left in life. If you kill me, you'll be helping me," said the woman.

"Is that so? But what if I don't agree?" asked Wang Hao curiously.

"Then once you've finished what you want to do, leave my room."

"And what if I don't leave?" asked Wang Hao. He was quite interested now.

"Please don't become someone I find disgusting." There was a faint look of displeasure on the woman's face.

"Ha, ha…all right then, I'll agree to your request. I'll kill you."

After Wang Hao said that, he carried the woman upstairs into a room.

He placed her on the bed and started taking her clothes off.

The woman didn't resist at all and just lay there without moving.


Half an hour later...

Wang Hao sat by the bed and started smoking. He suddenly realized that when a woman just lay there without moving, it wasn't fun at all.

If this woman hadn't been filled with a unique sort of charm, he might have lost interest in her completely.

"Can you kill me now?" asked the woman quietly as she lay on the bed.

Her expression was especially calm, as if everything that had happened earlier hadn't affected her at all.

"I'm not going to kill you now," said Wang Hao.

"Why? Are you going back on your word?" The woman was rather shocked.

"I'm a man of my word, but I didn't say I'd kill you right now. You're so pretty, so I'm going to wait till I'm done having fun with you, then I'll kill you."

Wang Hao then put his cigarette out and climbed into the bed again.

"You're really ridiculous. If the souls of the two parties involved are not intertwined, doing this sort of thing is very meaningless," said the woman before continuing to ignore Wang Hao.

"Ha, ha…I don't understand what you're talking about, but it seems to make sense."

Wang Hao laughed, then flipped the woman's body over so that her back was facing him.


He took his bag out and started drinking a meal-replacement drink.

After consuming so much energy, he had to replenish some.

"Why don't you hurry up and kill me? That would be doing a good deed," said the woman.

"I'm not a good person, so why should I bother doing good deeds?"

With that, Wang Hao put his clothes back on and took out another meal-replacement drink from his bag and placed it on the table.

"I'm leaving now. I hope you'll still be alive the next time I come by."

The woman lay on the bed and didn't react to anything Wang Hao said.

"You are a really cold and aloof woman."

Wang Hao held the woman by her neck and bent down to kiss her on the lips. Then he picked up his backpack, opened the door, and left.

The woman waited until Wang Hao had gone before sitting up on the bed.


Wang Hao left the bungalow and headed for another one.

He was thinking over what had happened between himself and that gorgeous heiress and felt that it was a beautiful memory.

He felt that if he could conquer this gorgeous heiress and make her his woman, he would feel a great sense of achievement.

The more aloof and elegant she was, the more he wanted to conquer her.

If she could have his children, that would be amazing.

That would be so interesting.

Wang Hao continued to dream about all this as he barged into another bungalow.

This bungalow was the complete opposite of the gorgeous heiress's bungalow.

From the moment he stepped into the living room, he was shocked by the exquisite interior of the house.

There was an enormous aquarium with a few hundred fish inside. He didn't know what all these fish were called, but they looked really expensive. They were all happily swimming away inside.

Wang Hao knew that all these fish definitely cost at least ,000 each.

And the huge TV on the wall had to be worth at least a million.

But what Wang Hao didn't know was that all the wooden furniture in this house was worth a few million and the vases were worth tens of millions.

It was very obvious that this house had belonged to someone who was super-rich.

Wang Hao was very curious to know whether a tycoon like this would be able to survive after the Apocalypse hit.

After quickly checking out the first floor, he headed for the second floor

"My goodness…this person must have been really accomplished.

The second floor was full of antiques. And even though Wang Ho didn't know anything about antiques, he could still tell that these things were probably worth a terrifying amount of money.

All the rooms on the second floor were filled with all sorts of paintings, as well as ancient bronzeware and ancient vases.

After his initial shock at seeing so many expensive things in one place, he became indifferent.

Wang Hao calmed down. He was here mainly to look for food, not to look at all these pieces of art that no longer had any value.

He continued on to the third floor.


As he reached the third floor, Wang Hao heard the sound of something hitting on wood.

Wang Hao immediately became cautious and snuck up to where the sound was coming from.

He fixed his gaze on a room with its door ajar.


Wang Hao reached out to slowly push the door in front of him open, where he saw a very strange scene.

There was actually someone hanging in the air.

Wang Hao used his flashlight to shine on the person's face and discovered that it was a zombie.

"Did this person become a zombie after committing suicide?" Wang Hao was very puzzled.

The person was wearing a black suit, so it seemed as if he had dressed himself nicely on purpose.

Perhaps he had made many preparations before killing himself because he wanted to look more dignified when he died. Wang Hao used his flashlight again to check out the room and found a black pistol on a table. There was a clip of bullets beside it too.

A piece of paper was under the black pistol.

Wang Hao glanced at the paper and read the suicide note. Its gist was that after the Apocalypse, his daughter had become a monster that went around biting others. She bit his wife to death, then injured his arm, and he finally locked her up in the basement.

He could sense that his consciousness was becoming more and more hazy and he began to despair. He was afraid that he would also become a human-eating monster, so he chose to kill himself.

He had killed many people in his lifetime but he didn't have the guts to use a gun to kill himself now, so he chose to hang himself instead.

"This guy was probably one of those legendary gangster bosses. He lived a pretty good life, but he was unlucky that someone in his family became a zombie. Otherwise, this pistol alone would probably have helped him to survive for a long time."

Wang Hao picked up the gun. It was weighty in his hands and felt pretty comfortable.

He had never touched a real gun before, but he had played with toy guns that were modeled after the real thing. Both types were built the same way, except that the safety catch on a toy gun was just for show, while a real gun couldn't fire if the safety catch was still on.

Wang Hao made sure that the safety catch was on before throwing it into his backpack.

He wanted to try the gun out, but he was afraid of causing unnecessary alarm and putting those guys in the other bungalows on high alert, so he gave up on that idea for now.