Zombie Commander

"Let me test out this new Talent I have."

Wang Hao made this decision. Just as he was wondering how this Talent became activated, an incredible scene appeared before his eyes.

He suddenly felt as if his scope of vision was rising into the sky, and he was looking at the world below. It felt like when he played games and had a bird's-eye view of the area around him.

Wang Hao's vision floated all the way to the top of the classroom block before stopping.

"This Talent is really amazing."

Wang Hao realized that he hadn't just gotten the overview straight up, but he could also move around.

In other words, he could see anything within a 50-yard radius of wherever he was, with himself as the center.

But this view had one problem. Anything beyond the 50-yard radius was nothing but a patch of white. He couldn't see anything at all beyond the 50 yards.

It felt as if he was inside a round tent with a 50-yard radius.

This made Wang Hao think of the confined-map concept within the game, PlayerUnknown's Battleground. This was pretty interesting.

Once he had confirmed how far his field of vision would go, he started to attempt to shift his view.


Wang Hao's line of vision went through the roof of the block and entered one of the classrooms.

He continued to shift his line of vision downward until he had gone through the roofs of three classrooms to arrive at the first floor.

After that, he started moving horizontally, and the classrooms appeared within his line of vision, one after the other.

In no time, Wang Hao had fully grasped how to control his line of vision.

The next thing he wanted to try was controlling the zombies inside these classrooms.

Commanding the zombies was even easier than controlling his line of vision. The moment he had a thought in his mind, these zombies would follow Wang Hao's will accordingly.

"All of you, ram yourselves against the wall."

Wang Hao gave the command, and one zombie immediately smashed itself into the wall without hesitation.


The zombie slammed itself into the wall, and its brains were smashed on the spot.

Wang Hao was so excited. The zombies were really listening to his commands unconditionally.

Also, he discovered that the zombies he killed while he remained in this mode would also add to his XP.

Wang Hao became even more excited after finding that out.

Initially, he'd thought that since he had to kill more and more zombies as the levels went up, it would be more difficult to go up in level. But now, he was going to be able to increase in level even more easily than before.

Once Wang Hao figured this out, he got all the zombies inside one of the classrooms to ram themselves against the wall.


As the zombies rammed themselves against the wall one after another, Wang Hao could clearly see his XP bar filling up rapidly.

Getting to Level 4 required 100,000 XP, so he needed to kill off around 10,000 zombies in order to level up.

But now, he had used less than ten minutes to kill off more than 2,000 zombies and had been awarded with 20,000 XP just like that.

"Ho, ho, ho…my XP is growing way too quickly. At this rate, I'll reach Level 4 in a matter of days."

Wang Hao deactivated his commander mode and walked out of the classroom block.

There had been more than 2,000 zombies on this block, and he had already killed all of them. Staying here was a waste of his time.

Wang Hao decided to head for a different place and continue his zombie massacre.

Besides the school itself, the small residential estates near the school had a number of zombies as well.

But just as Wang Hao was preparing to leave the school, he suddenly thought of Xu Xin.

He went to the ground floor of the male dormitory and prepared himself to activate his commander mode again to peek at what Xu Xin was doing right now.

But this time, this Talent refused to activate, and Wang Hao couldn't figure out why.

"Zombie Commander can only be activated again after one hour of rest. You may use it again after waiting for one hour." The system's voice spoke mechanically in his head.

"Cr*p, so that's the catch?"

Wang Hao had thought that he could use this ability whenever he liked. It didn't occur to him that there might be a cooldown time.

But it made sense if you really thought about it. If he could use this for as long as he liked, then he would really be invincible.

"Looks like I can't just use this ability as and when I like. If I had to wait for the cooldown period to pass some time when I really needed to use this ability urgently, it would be terrible."

Wang Hao had to accept the fact that this Talent required a cooldown time. He realized that he couldn't simply activate this ability if it wasn't necessary.

And since this ability needed another hour before it could be activated again, then he wasn't in such a hurry to leave the school anymore.

Wang Hao walked into the male dormitory and knocked on Xu Xin's door.

Xu Xin was lying on the bed resting.

But when she heard the knocking on the door, she immediately sat up.

"Wang Hao…"

Xu Xin could see that the person standing outside was Wang Hao through the glass panel of the door. A surprised look spread across her face, and she quickly ran over to open the door for him despite her pain.


She opened the door and pulled Wang Hao right in.

Then she said rather excitedly, "You're so amazing! There are so many zombies out there, but you've returned completely unscathed. I really don't know how you manage to do it."

"Of course, I've done it based on my own effort," said Wang Hao very casually.

He then looked at Xu Xin's legs and seemed rather puzzled.

"Why are you having so much trouble walking? Are you so hungry that you can't walk anymore?"

"Tsk, tsk, it's all your fault I'm still in pain," grumbled Xu Xin unhappily.

"Oh…so that's why. But aren't you overreacting a little?"

Wang Hao remembered that Li Mengyao's reaction hadn't been as severe as Xu Xin's. She also had had a little trouble walking after the first time, but it wasn't as bad as Xu Xin.

"What are you talking about? I just turned 19, I'm not some old woman," said Xu Xin as she made a face.

"That's also true."

Wang Hao realized that even though that was also Li Mengyao's first time, she was older and her body was more physically developed compared to Xu Xin's, and that was why she could take it better than Xu Xin.

But when Wang Hao thought about how young Xu Xin was, he suddenly felt a strange fire light up within him.

So Wang Hao reached out and grabbed hold of Xu Xin's arm.

He said in a very apologetic manner, "I was too rough earlier today and made you suffer, so let me do it gently this time…"


Xu Xin looked in shock at Wang Hao.

"Won't you at least let me rest for a few days first?"

"Why do you need to rest? Trust me!"

Wang Hao dragged Xu Xin back onto the bed.

He could be nice and gentle to Li Mengyao, but he was going to be the opposite to Xu Xin.

The harm that this woman had caused him before had been too great, so he wasn't going to be kind or gentle to her at all.

"Wang Hao, I'm begging you…don't do it…let me rest for a few days first. Please. I'm begging you…" Xu Xin started to plead desperately as she began to panic.

But Wang Hao refused to listen to her pleas at all and pushed her violently back onto the bed.