Zombie Army

Wang Hao was shocked that these people, who clearly didn't look like policemen, had pistols and had even taken over the police station.

Logically, since the police had guns, then even if the Apocalypse hit, they should have been able to live on for some time since they had weapons and the police station to hide in.

But it was clear from the current situation that the police were no longer around, and the police station had been left with these thugs who only cared about enjoying themselves.

What Wang Hao didn't know was that these thugs were former prisoners who had been arrested and detained in the police station.

After the Apocalypse hit, several zombies rushed into the police station and bit many cops either to death or injured them.

Since they couldn't handle the situation by themselves, the remaining police released these detainees so that they could lend a helping hand.

Eventually the zombies in the police station had all been killed, but there were zombies roaming the streets everywhere outside. The police had no choice.

They shut the main gates of the police station and waited for someone to rescue them with all these thugs.

But after several days of waiting, nobody came to help them.

Everyone started to despair when they saw that they weren't going to get any help.

The thugs secretly made a decision among themselves. They attacked several policemen during the night and took their guns away from them.

They then locked up all the policemen and only allowed the one policewoman to move freely.

At first, the thugs didn't have any wicked ideas.

But after some days passed and they realized how the world outside had changed, their dark sides were finally unleashed in their entireties.

They started to use the policewoman as their tool to relieve their stress. They also threatened her by saying that if she tried to kill herself, they would kill all the other policemen that they had locked up.

So the policewoman had no choice but to endure being treated like this.

But, of course, Wang Hao didn't know anything about this.

He had just happened to discover that the middle-aged men who were staying on the second floor all had guns. They seemed to be of a different status than the men staying on the first floor.

But what shocked him even more was finding the rotting bodies of several policemen inside the jail cells.

Wang Hao noticed that all these policemen had been handcuffed and their bodies were extremely skinny and frail, so it looked as if they had been starved to death.

Wang Hao didn't know exactly what had happened here, but he could more or less make an educated guess.

These thugs must have managed to take away the policemen's guns, locked all of them up in the cells, and taken over the police station.

The process might have been different from his guess, but the result was the same.

Wang Hao was sure that none of these men were good people. He recalled the extremely reluctant and unwilling expression on the woman's face earlier, and he was sure that these men had forced themselves on her.

"Tonight will be your last one on earth!"

Wang Hao had decided that he was going to use these people to test how far he could go with his Zombie Commander Talent.


Countless zombies were wandering about aimlessly outside the police station, and they would growl from time to time.

There were a few hundred of them, and they surrounded the police station on all sides.

Now, all of a sudden, it seemed as if they had received a command, and all of them instantly fell silent, and then started moving toward the main gates of the police station.

The zombies stopped growling and became unusually quiet. There was no other noise besides the sound of their footsteps.

They swarmed to the fence next to the main gates of the police station like the flow of a river and came to a stop.

After that, the zombies in front stopped moving, but the zombies at the back continued to advance forward.

Since the zombies at the back were blocked by the zombies in front, they started to climb over the zombies in front.

Wang Hao continued to command these zombies and turned them into a wall of zombies like the ones depicted in zombie movies.

Even though the scene in front of him was nowhere near the scale of those zombie movies, it was enough to shock anybody.

In no time, the zombies in front had transformed into a ladder of sorts, so the hundreds of zombies behind slowly made it over the fence as they climbed the zombies in front of them.


These zombies jumped down from the fence fearlessly as if they were dumplings being thrown into a pot.

The fence was too high, so the first batch of zombies that jumped down ended up breaking their legs and sprawling on the ground.

But even though their legs had been broken, they continued to crawl toward the building.

As more and more zombies accumulated at the bottom of the fence, the zombies were able to get over the fence with no problem. They just landed on top of the other zombies, rolled once, and stood back up on their feet.

"Huh? What's going on?"

The muscular man who was repairing the police car heard some noise, so he turned around to look.

In the next moment, his mouth opened wide, his eyes got huge, and he couldn't seem to speak anymore.

He was looking at the most terrifying scene of his life as countless zombies continued to jump down from the fence.

The zombies on the ground that had broken their legs from the fall had already crawled rather close to him.

"We're finished…the world is really ending…"

The man started murmuring to himself. Since so many zombies were attacking the police station, he knew that none of them were going to survive.

But his survival instinct made him drop all his tools, and he immediately hopped into the car and hid inside.


The honking of the horn resounded loudly after that.

The man wasn't able to shout, so he could only keep pressing the car horn in hope of informing the rest of the men inside.

But nobody in the police station knew what all this honking meant. Those who were sleeping continued to sleep, and the one trying to have sex continued trying. Everyone was engrossed in whatever they were doing.

The police station was like a fortress, so they were very confident that no zombies would be able to get in.

They would never have thought that such a mysterious force existed in the Apocalypse. This mysterious force could command zombies and make the zombies do things they never imagined were possible.


The glass of the police car in the courtyard was broken, and the zombies had forced open the door of the police station building as well.

The middle-aged man sleeping at the desk near the door opened his eyes when he heard the commotion, and the first thing he saw was several zombies pouncing toward him.


He only had time to shout loudly before the zombies pushed him onto the floor and tore him to pieces.

In an instant, his blood flowed all over the floor, and a putrid stench soon filled the air.

"What's that sound? What's going on outside?"

Some of the thugs had finally been awoken by all the noise and shouting from outside.

"Something's happened! Let's go and take a look!"

They picked up their weapons and opened the door.


But the minute they opened the door, a group of foul-smelling rotten zombies pounced on them.

"AHH! Zombies! The zombies are here!"

The thugs finally realized what was going on and started screaming in despair.

In no time, all the thugs inside the police station had been alarmed.

But none of them knew exactly how many zombies had entered from outside.

Those who didn't know what was happening just picked up their weapons and prepared to fight, but they were soon faced with a zombie army that was way too big for them to handle.

Wang Hao had already done a rough count earlier and knew that there were 50- odd thugs inside the police station. He had commanded at least 700 zombies to attack.

This was definitely an unfair battle. The thugs had no chance of winning at all.