The Yield from the Police Station

Wang Hao followed the policewoman up to the third story where they entered a room filled with nothing but files.

"Those thugs thought that this was just a file archive room, so they didn't search the inside carefully." As the policewoman said this, she walked up to one of the shelves filled with files.

She reached out and pushed the shelf, revealing a door in the wall hidden behind the shelf.

"Oh, my…"

Wang Hao's eyes got round and wide. He had had no idea that there would be a hidden door here.

He watched the policewoman pull out a wooden box and open it. Inside there

were several police-issued bulletproof vests, standard police belts that could be used to hold any number of items, high-powered flashlights, radio communication devices, handcuffs, and more.

"Are all the items needed by the police station placed here? Isn't it very inconvenient to retrieve these items on a daily basis?" asked Wang Hao.

"Of course not." The policewoman shook her head and continued, "All the things up here are for emergency use. The pistols and bulletproof vests that we had in our usual storeroom were mostly all taken away by those thugs. They've used all the ammunition in those pistols, so there's no point in taking those."

"There are only three pistols here, but there are also 100 additional bullets, so that's enough for you to use. The batteries in these radio communication devices are brand-new, so we might be able to get into contact with others as well."

The policewoman picked up one of the black radio communication devices and shook it.

This thing looked like the standard walkie-talkie that security guards used, but it had much higher functionality and its signal could reach much greater distances.

Wang Hao wasn't all that interested when he saw these devices, because he didn't intend to contact anybody else.

But if he could use it to communicate with Li Mengyao, then that wouldn't be a bad idea either.

Because all these things were just for backup, there were only three of each item.

Wang Hao looked at the items in front of him and started making plans in his head. "I'll take one set of these, leave one set with Li Mengyao, and I'll have an extra set also. That will be enough for us."

However, the policewoman wasn't really a part of his future plans at all.

The usefulness of the policewoman had only been to help him find all these police items and then satisfy the fantasies he used to have about policewomen.

Actually, if he could find a policewoman who was a virgin, then he wouldn't care about this particular policewoman any more.

But it wasn't possible for everything to turn out exactly the way he wanted all the time. If he let this policewoman go, then he might never find one again.

Opportunities were hard to come by, and he didn't want to miss trying this fantasy out. He wasn't going to have babies with her anyway, so he didn't have to be so picky.

Wang Hao picked up a 9mm revolver and felt that it seemed rather heavy. It was quite different from the pistol that he'd picked up from those rich young men whose bungalow he'd attacked.

"These are real pistols. Imitation pistols are really nothing compared to these."

Wang Hao started comparing the two types of guns in his mind, then he passed the 9mm pistol back to the policewoman.

"Why don't you demonstrate how to use this gun? I've never used a gun like this before," said Wang Hao.

"Sure. Watch carefully." The policewoman took the pistol and quickly loaded the bullets.

After Wang Hao had watched and remembered how to load this sort of revolver, he took the second revolver and loaded it with bullets as well.

Immediately after he'd loaded the gun, Wang Hao aimed the revolver at the window and pulled the trigger.


The window glass was immediately shattered by the bullet.

The policewoman looked shocked and asked with some panic in her voice, "Why did you just fire like that? Aren't you afraid that you might attract the zombies?"

"Ha, ha, ha…I couldn't help it. I've never used a gun before," said Wang Hao with a laugh.

He was so excited. This police revolver felt great in his hand, and it was very accurate. Even though he had only used a gun a few times, he was sure with this he would be able to hit his target easily.

"All right then, you can take a look around and see if there's anything else you want. Just help yourself. I'm going to get changed. Then we should quickly leave this place. If the zombies get here, it'll be hard for us to leave."

After she said that, she took a revolver, loaded it with bullets, and walked out of the room.

Without a gun during these post-Apocalyptic times, it would be tough to deal with dangerous situations.

As Wang Hao watched the policewoman walk out of the room, he was thinking, "Even if the zombies get here, I won't be afraid."

Even though that was how he thought, he still acted swiftly anyway.

Wang Hao quickly stuffed the three radio communication devices into his backpack. Leaving such items behind was a bad idea because if someone else got hold of them and used them to radio for their teammates, it could be bad news for him.

After that, Wang Hao put on a bulletproof vest as well as one of the multipurpose belts.

He could hook a radio communication device, hang a pair of handcuffs, and keep his revolver on this belt. It was really useful for many things.

Besides the bulletproof vest he'd put on, he didn't take the other two vests. It was too difficult to take so many things with him at one time. He decided to just put one on himself now, then leave the other two here for the time being, and come back for them in another two days if he had time.

In no time, Wang Hao was done packing everything he wanted into his bag. He closed the wooden box and pushed it back onto its hidden shelf.

When he walked out to the corridor, Wang Hao saw that the policewoman was dressed in her police uniform. He realized that her aura was completely different now that she was in her uniform.

After putting on the authoritative-looking police uniform and black boots, the contrast of her fair skin made the policewoman look even more cool, charismatic, and even prettier than before.

"She's really not bad at all. I didn't save her for nothing."

Wang Hao felt a fire start burning within him, but he tried his best to keep it down.

Now was not the time for this. Besides, if he tried to force himself on her, he might not be able to take her since she had a gun too.

"Are you ready to go?" asked the policewoman as she saw Wang Hao walk toward her.

"Yup. Let's go." Wang Hao nodded and started walking downstairs first.

The policewoman took out her revolver and followed behind Wang Hao. Ever since the Apocalyse had hit, she hadn't gone out by herself


Wang Hao reached the first floor and stopped. He said, "Don't make any noise, let me listen carefully to the situation outside."

"Okay." The policewoman nodded slightly, and even her breathing slowed down.

Even though Wang Hao was young, she saw him as a veteran who was able to survive well in this post-Apocalyptic world. So she felt that listening to what Wang Hao said was definitely the right thing to do.

"All right, we can go now." Wang Hao waved his hand after some time.

He had made use of his Zombie Commander talent to gain a bird's-eye view of the situation around them and found that there were only a few zombies wandering around on the streets outside.

It was pretty much impossible for these zombies to hurt the policewoman while he was there.

Wang Hao opened the main door of the police station and took the first step out.

But the policewoman suddenly stopped walking, and her face turned pale.

She pointed at a zombie on the street that was slowly coming toward them with wide eyes.

Her voice was filled with terror as she said, "A zombie…there's a zombie coming toward us…"

"Sigh…" Wang Hao sighed quietly and pulled out his katana


He said to her, "Don't panic, and don't fire your gun. I can use my katana to settle such a small number of zombies."

"But…there are some more over there too."

The policewoman pointed at an area nearby. A zombie was also approaching them from there.