Chapter 209 Freeze

Xing Yue's keychain, with one of its crystals, was quivering like a glow stick, trying to find direction.

It was much like the needle of a compass.

To others, this scene was magical.

Special types, especially support abilities that required the use of tools, were even rarer. It was the Captain's first time witnessing such a thing.

His confidence in finding the Ant Queen finally rose from 0% to 1%.

That glow stick-like crystal finally began stabilizing but then pointed towards one of the forks in the path ahead, seemingly defying gravity as it hung in the air.

Tang Yu didn't hesitate and stepped into that tunnel.

They kept up the pace of a brisk walk, which wasn't fast; however, every one or two minutes, they would encounter a fork in the path—some split into two, others into five, six, seven, eight... N.