Oh My, Did I See A Deity?

Noon the next day.

The Tiansang Spirit Palace ushered in its yearly hot event. The champion of the Windcloud Competition was going to be determined today.

Not only were the disciples and elders of the Outer Yard here to watch the match, but even a few Inner Yard disciples who had the time also came to have a look at the battles.

The crowd's emotions were so high they were about to explode.

The people who'd come early to reserve seats saw the influential figures of the spirit palace in front of them.

To the left were the elders of the Spiritual Affairs Division, Spiritual Medical Division, and Spiritual Military Division…

There were also a few unknown people who rarely showed themselves. They were elders who looked like elders but weren't really elders…

To the right were the people ranked in the top hundred, top ten, and top five of the Windcloud Scoreboard…