Keep Guessing

Feng Kong hadn't yet given Shao Yi an answer when the man on the fake mountain just snickered, his tone utterly cold. 

"You wanna run?

"You've had your chance…"

The air around them seemed to heat up as these words fell, so much so that even the rainwater started to fizzle and immediately evaporate.

Shao Yi was shocked, but it wasn't what was happening in their surroundings after the man's words that shocked him. What shocked him was what the man said. 

"Run?" he thought. 

"Who the h*ll is trying to run here?

"I'm not even thinking of running!

"Wait, no…

"Oh, don't tell me…" 

He then looked at Feng Kong in fright, unable to believe his eyes that his partner, who was usually so confident, was so frightened that he wanted to run. 

Feng Kong turned to meet his gaze, and Shao Yi was shocked to find that there was a different look in his eyes. 

"Wait, he's getting scared?"