The Night is Beautiful

Were they really that bad?

Actually, they were doing okay.

However, Xu Xiaoshou realized that he had severely overestimated those two because of their strengths.

For a real life-and-death battle, the factors that determined survival consisted of more than just one's cultivation level, unless one were up against two complete idiots. 

An arena battle was completely different. Factors that determined survival included timing, location, and personal agency... 

He couldn't do without any of them.

He'd been able to realize their intentions because of Sense, which had also caused him to misjudge their true strengths due to the cultivation level and the accidental geographical changes resulting from the lucky draw. As such, he'd had to make a series of guesses. 

Of course, it was undeniable that his adaptability had saved his life.


To be frank, he was just smart!