Signing My Name? More like Signing My Death Warrant!


The woman's smile froze, but then she quickly became amused.

"Oh, I don't need signatures. If anything…"

She seemed to have thought of something and changed the subject. "So you're looking for a place of your own? You're a member of the Inner Yard now?"

"Umm, I guess you could say so…"

Xu Xiaoshou didn't know how to explain his situation to her. Because of the agreement he had with Elder Sang, he couldn't just tell her about how he'd become Elder Sang's disciple.

And it'd be absurd to tell her that Outer Yard disciples could look for a place of their own in the Inner Yard.

But then again, the woman in blue didn't pester him further about the matter. She kept grinning and said, "I know of a place that I suppose you'd like."

"Oh?" Xu Xiaoshou's interest was piqued.