I have Urgent Business. I'll Take My Leave, Then.

Xu Xiaoshou's words stunned everyone.

You'd have to completely lack all sense to take what he said at face value.

"What's with the 'If I'd managed to run, Zhao Shu wouldn't have died', eh? Is that something that someone with any sense at all would say?" Zhao Xidong thought, feeling frustrated and exasperated.

He'd known since the group matches that the kid was anything but normal, yet the kid still managed to catch him off-guard all the time.

"Alright, cut the chatter. You two, come with me!"

Yuan Tou started to panic. "I did nothing, man!" he cried inwardly. "What, so now I, a passer-by, has to be punished too just because Xu Xiaoshou said something?"

"Why!?" he asked.

Zhao Xidong gave Yuan Tou a cold look and said icily, "Don't think for a second I didn't know what you people have been scheming. You'd better pray that I don't catch any of you in the act… You won't like what will happen to you if I do.