Killing Field

"How dare you hang up on me? How rude!" Xu Xiaoshou muttered to himself.

It was a pity that he did not get the answers to his questions. It was probably hard for him to get his hands on the other treasures of Suppressing Barrier.

He looked at the jade scroll in his hand as he thought about the request which the Master Dean had made.

"This appears to be more than just an ordinary communication jade scroll. Could it stall the Small World in Tianxuan Gate from shattering after I put it into the seal of the Treasure of Suppressing Barrier?"

Xu Xiaoshou wondered how such a simple jade scroll could allow people to communicate between the two worlds.

He felt fired up. Could the item possibly be an extraordinary treasure? Perhaps it was. It probably might be.

No, no. It was a life-saving item. Xu Xiaoshou told himself that he should not get too greedy!

"Ladies and gentlemen!"