All Swords to the Master

"No sword in this world dares to attack me. Not even a famed sword would dare to do so!"

Rao Yinyin laid frozen amidst the collapsed ruins when she heard those conceited words. She tried to struggle to her feet. But after such an attack from the masked man, she was no match for the sword energy still lingering in her body.

"Who is he? Judging from how powerful his sword energy is, he is probably more powerful than Elder Xiao," she muttered to herself.

She did not know that Xiao Qixiu could not even handle the first strike from the masked man.

Xiao Qixiu did not want anyone to spread the news that the masked man defeated him with a single blow.

Rao Yinyin watched as the masked man walked out of the house and into the field of flowers. She struggled desperately to get to her feet. However, she ended up spitting out a mouthful of blood.