After all, Chen Xingchu Had Finally Met Xu Xiaoshou, Getting Ignored and Outplayed

Chen Xingchu was stunned.

He had finally found somebody more arrogant than himself.

What on earth was he implying? That if they did not compete for cultivation, then Chen Xingchu would utterly lose in all other aspects...?

What kind of stupid joke was that!

What other aspect of him was Xu Xiaoshou implying as being inferior to him?

You are just a mere Innate rank. What gave you the right to speak so arrogantly?

And in the blink of an eye, Chen Xingchu found himself once again infuriated.

But it surprised him when he glanced at the two major figures of the spirit palace. They showed no reaction at all.

The one who was pouring tea seemed to be fixated on his drink, while the one who was resting with his eyes closed...

Their laid-back demeanor seemed a little too casual, and it was as if they had gotten used to such antics.


Chen Xingchu lost his composure right away.

And why did he feel this way?