The Infernal Heavenly Flame - White Flame

"It is not so safe outside the Spirit Palace, unlike the Inner and Outer Yards. So be careful when you go out."

Elder Sang said to Mu Zixi. He then took out a letter and continued, "You put this letter away and keep it safe. When you arrive at the Magic Pill Technicians Association of Tiansang County, give the letter to the President of the Association."

"Oh, oh..." The little girl did not expect that she would get the task instead of her Senior Brother and felt overjoyed.

Shouldn't it be the first disciple to carry out this sort of duty? Why did Elder Sang choose me for the task? Mu Zixi wondered.

Elder Sang saw the astonished look on Mu Zixi's face. Instead, he turned to Xu Xiaoshou and said, "Before arriving at the Magic Pill Technicians Association, no one may have a peek of this letter, and that includes you."