What Did I Do Wrong Again?

Xiao Sixteen was extremely dumbfounded.

Before he went unconscious, the last thing he vaguely remembered was Jiao Tangtang's powerful kick. Once he woke up, he wondered why the person in front of him was of the other gender.

Were the two of them in cahoots?

Did Xu Xiaoshou actually have such strong backup?

No, that couldn't be it.

Now was not the time to think about it.

Xiao Sixteen tried to look down but felt that his head was very heavy as if it would fall off, so he lifted it immediately.

Scanning his body with his spiritual senses, he was shocked. This young man had handicapped his four limbs to the point that he had almost become a straight pole.


Xiao Sixteen was confused. His mind was filled with questions. He did not understand.