The Monstrous Godly Weaving Technique

Passive Points: 24,125

Xu Xiaoshou deeply regretted not staying another minute or two longer in the guest hall.

He was a thousand Passive Points from reaching 25,000 total Passive Points.

Twenty-five thousand points would translate into five Level Two Skill Points, which would be the Master stage of Weaving Expertise.

Weaving Expertise (Innate Level 6)

Weaving Expertise (Innate Level 10)

He was only one level away from reaching the Master Stage with the current number of points he had.

He swore in his mind, but Xu Xiaoshou had expected the sudden turn in events.

He held his head as a large amount of knowledge started to stream in. Xu Xiaoshou chewed and digested each piece of information thoroughly. Even if he had not reached the Master Stage of Weaving Expertise, he had gained a measurable sense of confidence.