Had He Gone Mad?

Fu Zhi's eyes glittered in excitement.

He could not understand the sky, earth, moon, and knot that Xu Xiaoshou had introduced.

Now, everything was presented to him in such a straightforward manner. If he still could not understand it, then it really could not be justified.

"Spiritual veins?"

"Is this a spiritual array?"

Fu Zhi was horrified in his heart, and he was too shocked.

The lesson that Xu Xiaoshou had delivered to him was too much.

Even if he looked at it, it was something unattainable and completely out of his reach.

"The world is a world, the Path is the Path, and the spiritual array is a spiritual array."

"Between the three, it borrows the path of the spiritual array, inherits the order of the Great Path, and completes the cycle to revert to its original form."

That was the philosophy of Spiritual Cultivators.

The process of completing self-realization was through the means of the heavens and earth.