Listen to My Quibbles

Five overbearing stares landed on Xu Xiaoshou.

Apart from Fu Zhi and Qiu Xuan, the other three had doubt written all over their faces.

However, even if they had suspicions, as the person involved, Xu Xiaoshou still had the right to speak.

As he spoke, everyone had no choice but to listen.

"The matter is..."

Xu Xiaoshou smoothed out the new story in his heart and quickly said,

"The Zhang Mansion has a grudge against me. When I was in Tiansang Spirit Palace, that fellow Zhang Xinxiong wanted to kill me. He had been targeting me, so I had no choice but to defend myself and retaliate."

"There's always some truth in the old saying. If the younger one dies, the older one will come out."

"Not long after I left the Spirit Palace, I encountered a Sovereign Stage assassin."

After saying this, he looked at Qiu Xuan and Liu Jing.