Business Is Indeed Profitable


Old Du spat out a mouthful of blood.

Not only was he angry, but the injuries on his body had also exploded at the same time.

That awe-inspiring sword will actually pierce through his body through the air. This was something that he had never dreamed of.

"Is this the power of a master swordsman?"

Looking at Xu Xiaoshou's hand that had returned to its original position, Old Du wanted to show off again.

However, when he thought about the range of this person's shooting range, it seemed that whether it was close combat or long-range attacks, he would not be able to gain any advantage at all.

As for this guy's shooting range...

Old Du fell silent.

"If I show off again, I guess I will really die, right?"

"But, if I don't run..."

"20 million!"

The corners of Old Du's lips were bitter. He had lived for so long, and this was the first time he had fallen so miserably.