Why Did It Explode?

In the Icy Realm.


The ground was shaking.

Everyone knew that this was caused by the giant white skeleton fighting beneath the ground surface.

Although they did not know what kind of existence could actually contend against that towering giant.

But now, facing that dense icy aura, no one thought of retreating.

"Has the Heaven and Earth Great Array been broken? It feels like there's not much time left. The earthquake is getting stronger. I reckon that the battle over there should be almost over."

"If we don't break this Great Array, when that giant white skeleton turns around, everyone will die here!"

In front of the Heaven and Earth Great Array, everyone was anxious like cats on a hot tin roof.

However, under the combined attacks of more than thirty people, the ice barrier in front of them was showing no signs of explosion. Only a few lines cracked on its surface.