Song of Ice and Fire

White Cave.

Spirit Fusion Swamp.

Outside the frozen realm.

The Storyteller clenched his fists and hammered the sealed bounded domain, but he was completely stunned.

"The bounded domain... cracked?"

He couldn't believe it.

The Sealing Power was extraordinary.

Even though he could see that the ghost beast's strength hadn't been fully developed yet.

However, just the Sealing Power of an ordinary Cutting Path was enough to completely restrain him, a spiritual cultivator who had yet to master the Power of the Higher Void!


No matter how much stronger the attack was.

The only thing he could bring to this bounded domain was an even greater shake.

But now...

He had yet to send out the ultimate move of the Yin Yang Life and Death Trap.

How did this thing split apart on its own?

"That's not right!"