Fourth Sword Were Born!

White Cave.

Lijian grassland.

If one wanted to say which place was the most famous in the white cave, and even those who had never entered the white cave had heard of it, it was none other than the "Lijian grassland".

There was no other reason.

It was because on this grassland that covered an area of dozens of kilometers, there was a majestic, palace-like formation -- the Thirty-Six Heavens Sealed Array!

At this moment.

This formation connected to the azure clouds and blocked off the outside of the great grassland. They stood in groups and surrounded two or three groups of red-robed men.

The red-robed men each held an array flag in their hands. They either stood still or moved..

But without exception, all of them had solemn expressions, as if they were preparing to fight against a great enemy that could threaten their lives.