Sword Deity From the East

Outside the Eighth Palace, on a mountain far away.

The quiet mountain forest was supposed to be a better hiding place for birds and beasts, but suddenly...


The birds flew away in fright, and beasts scattered in all directions panic.

As the branches hit the leaves, a large flock of birds flew out.

Then, a shocked cry came from the dense forest.

"Ba! Zhun! An!"

The fallen leaves returned to the forest and hit the white-clothed, red-clothed, and gray-clothed people who were supposed to be calm, causing the hundreds of people present to tremble.

"The Eighth Sword Deity?!"

Everyone lost their composure and their breathing became hurried.

The army that was located in the eastern corner of the Eighth Palace was one of the four domains in control of the Nation-Toppling Heavenly Shield.